On Tuesday 23 April 2019, Yusrah and Naseera, hosts of Book and Breakfast attended the book launch of Untold Stories: memories of growing up in a different era at Groote Schuur High School in celebration of World Book Day.
The book featured childhood stories of six South Africans sharing their unique perspectives growing up under the apartheid regime. The stories were combined by Dr Joanne Bloch who spoke at the event and there was a re-enactment of the stories performed by members of Project 021 – a non- profit organisation who through the performing arts, seeks to create social change and provide skills development through communication project.
The event was organised by Cape Town Museum of Childhood and Centre for Early Childhood Development. Yusrah and Naseerah interviewed a number of people attending the event, including five of the people featured in the book, the organisers of the event, as well as Dr Joanne Bloch.