On Saturday 18 May 2019, the RX Radio team went to Paarl Hospital to host a Certificate Ceremony for the new Child and Young Reporters who completed their basic training in March and produced a radio diary.

The Certificate Ceremony was all about showing the children their completed radio diaries and giving them their certificates which show that they have completed basic training with RX Radio. Ten out of the eleven reporters were handed their certificates after watching their diaries and were formally asked if they wanted to continue being part of RX Radio as Child and Young Reporters. The kids were so excited to see what they were able to produce and they all agreed to be part of the RX Radio going forward.

The ceremony was supported by the CEO of Paarl Hospital, nurses, parents and the Radio KC team. The ceremony went well as all the kids were happy and the parents were so excited seeing their children speaking so boldly about their conditions or illnesses. After the Certificate Ceremony everyone ate a cake in celebration.