RX Radio is proud to announce that the South African Radio Awards 2020 have chosen Young Reporter Alex White and Content Producer Wayne Boonzaaier to join the ranks of Bright Stars – joining Senior Content Producer Noluyolo Ngomani who became a Bright Star in 2019. The Bright Star title is given to a person who has a great understanding and passion for radio and who has great ideas for the future of radio. This person should be a tireless worker and an individual that the radio station has come to rely on. We think that both Alex and Wayne are prime examples of what The Bright Star Award embodies.
Another great piece of news is that Dr Gabriel “Gabs” Urgoiti will be inducted to the Hall of Fame due to the unforgettable mark that he has made in the radio industry and the inspiration and mentorship that he has offered to the youth, his colleagues and others over the last 30 years. As the founder of RX Radio, we think that none are more deserving of this honour than Gabs.
This is a momentous achievement and should definitely be celebrated. Each year RX Radio sets the bar higher and this year it’s no different. This will be RX Radio’s second year running that we have been included in radio awards and we hope to keep going from strength to strength. The SA Radio Awards ceremony will all take place on the 17th of April and will be streamed online at 14:00.