On the 27th of June President Cyril Ramaphosa announced that the country would be going into Alert Level 4 Lockdown for the next 14 days with immediate effect from Monday the 28th of June due to an increase in infections resulting in a 3rd wave. We as a country have had to face two devastating and turbulent waves of the Coronavirus. Having a swift reaction to these waves has proved to reduce the increase in infection rates and RX Radio wants to ensure that we comply with all rules and regulations that the president has set out. We urge all reporters, parents and members to stay safe, healthy and comply with all the rules.

The peak of the 3rd wave is said to be much higher than the first two so with the implementation of Level 4 and the reflection of the RX Radio team it is decided that face-to-face LIVE broadcasts, training and other events will be put on hold and will be operating virtually as per the announcement of the president regarding social gatherings, which are strictly prohibited. Other gatherings such us churches, funerals and other events etc. are limited to 50 people. There has also been a curfew put in place from 09:00 pm till 04:00 am. Some of the other restrictions include the forbidden sale of alcohol, restricted restaurant operations (only takeaways and deliveries), travel restrictions and logistics etc. It is important to note that this is all for the best interest for the people in our country.  Even though we may be working from home and we’re not able to see each other face-to-face, RX Radio will continue brining you the best quality content. 

It is important that everyone complies with all the rules the president has set out ranging from social gatherings, masks, safety, and day-to-day logistics to ensure the best possible outcome for our country. We may be experiencing a 3rd wave but it is always important to remain positive and do your part by keeping all those around you safe – so wear your masks, be sure to social distance and always remember to sanitize. RX Radio hopes to see everyone in person again soon but for now let’s work together to overcome this battle.

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