What an exciting year it has been for RX Radio! We have accomplished so much and we wouldn’t be able to do it without all of your support. This year has been nothing short of extraordinary, even though there have been some hurdles along the way. Throughout this year RX Radio decided to focus on the positive because as they say “you can’t have the rainbow without the storm”. The station always strives to make each year better than the last so stay tuned because we have big plans in store for 2022.

We sincerely hope that all RX Radio members enjoy their festive season in a safe and healthy manner so that soon we will all be able to see each other in person again. If you want to read more about what RX Radio got up to over the past few months click on this link: https://mailchi.mp/d162591959c0/rx-radio-december-newsletter to view our newsletter and don’t forget to press the subscribe button.
Happy festive season everyone!
From the RX Radio Team.