Radio by and for children

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RX Radio is a platform where children with different health conditions and children in general come together and speak freely about issues that are important to them

What we do and why

RX Radio is a unique award-winning radio station that is by and for children, based at the Red Cross War Memorial Children’s Hospital in Cape Town. Our vision is to exist to empower South African children with voice and agency so they can exercise influence within the community and the issues facing them. The RX Radio team and volunteers coordinate, and support the reporters – but the children are always behind the microphones and are active participants in the production. They design their own shows, choose the music, invite guests, write interview questions, and even plan fundraising events!

child and young reporters trained

child and young reporters trained

child radio presenter RX Radio

Leveraging the potential of a rights-based framework, RX Radio uses the magic of the microphone to give children a platform for expression, information and participation. Enabling them to ‘join the conversation’, we legitimise marginalised voices, break down social barriers and catalyse the transformative relationships needed to build a cohesive network of support (family/peer/professional). The ease, portability and affordability of radio makes it the perfect medium to empower chronically ill children to reconnect with the world around them.

helps purchase refreshments for reporters

contributes towards better equipment

to train a child to become an RX Radio reporter

helps purchase refreshments for reporters

contributes towards better equipment

to train a child to become an RX Radio reporter

Listen live

RX Radio allows the reporters and those who care for them to meet, share ideas, ask questions, tell stories, have fun and build a happy, interactive radio community.

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testimonials RX Radio
Our impact

children have completed basic radio training

children are actively engaged in ongoing advanced training and skills development

voices on the COVID-19 pandemic from children, caregivers and healthcare workers

events have been covered by our reporters

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“RX Radio has also taught me leadership and communication skills in terms of being able to handle my own show and knowing how to interact with guests. In my first training at RX Radio I was taught that listening skills are very important in the radio industry and paying careful attention to your guests is needed. I applied the leadership skills that I was taught at RX in school as well, because I am a Prefect, RCL and the Deputy Head Girl.

I want to pursue radio as a career, because ever since I started at RX Radio I found my passion. Radio allows my voice to be heard.”

- RX Radio Reporter

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"This radio station is giving them exposure to meet lots of people, and also to interview people. It has given them yho! The ability to interact with not only kids, but with adults, and all types of people. So, it’s phenomenal what the radio station is doing for these kids. It gives them the opportunity to voice their opinions and how they are feeling, so it’s awesome."

- Parent of an RX Radio Reporter

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"I think previously children would have maybe dealt with things differently, kept it internally. Now suddenly you’ve got a medium where it’s not only okay, but it’s great to talk about these things. [RX Radio] has been such a positive healing space for these children, but also with the healthcare workers, the child and the parents."

- Dr Anita Parbhoo, CEO, RCWMCH.

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Meet RX Radio Reporters

Radio is a powerful tool for communication, advocacy and development and this is even more so in the case of children, if their world of meaning and reality is to be widened and deepened.

Children often do not have the information, confidence, or opportunity to express their views and contribute to actions and decisions that affect them. Add compounding issues of poverty and chronic illness into the mix, and the situation magnifies. This cannot be our accepted ‘norm’, and is why RX Radio is committed to helping children and young people find and raise their voice.

Meet RX Radio Staff and Board members
Noluyolo Ngomani

Noluyolo Ngomani

Station Manager

Chelsey Daniels

Chelsey Daniels

Junior Project Officer

Gabriel Urgoiti

Gabriel Urgoiti

Station Founder and Advisor

RX Radio Board members
Helen Meintjes: Programme Manager for the African Paediatric Fellowship Programme

Professor Alan Davidson: Head of the Paediatric Haematology-Oncology Service

Geetesh Solanki: Health economist and senior specialist scientist at the Medical Research Council of South Africa, an Associate Health Researcher at the Health Economics Unit, School of Public Health, University of Cape Town

Sr Jane Booth: Registered nurse, midwife and retired paediatric nurse

Prof Mark Tomlinson: Co-Director of the Institute for Life Course Health Research in the Department of Global Health at Stellenbosch University

Qaqamba: Student of law at the University of the Western Cape (UWC), recently on the Dean’s Merit list

Prof Tanja Bosch: Associate Professor in Media Studies and Production at the Centre for Film and Media Studies, University of Cape Town

Yvonne Counter: Facilities Coordinator at ABSA Regional for Corporate site

Claire Mawisa: Investigative journalist on Carte Blanche

Nadierah Pienaar: Personal Assistant in the Department of Student Affairs at UCT

Mujahid Wiener: Youth ambassador at the Children’s Hospital Trust

Tarique Kenny: Communications student at University of South Africa

Our partners
Children’s Institute
Aware Bears
University of Cape Town
Red Cross War Memorial Childrens Hospital
Radio KC
Radio Khaltsha
Bush Radio
Cape Town Childhood Museum
Kids Super Club
Children’s Hospital Trust
Bumble Books
Child Safe
Willis Towers Watson
Voice Works
Department of Health and Wellness Western Cape
Western Cape Commissioner for Children